Sky Rocket
Your Business

Welcome to LeadBuy! Enter the world of televerified leads tailored to your budget, location, and variant. Say goodbye to clicks, likes, and views, and hello to verified leads!

User Friendly dashboard & Cool Interface

High-Quality Leads

We provide verified, high-quality leads tailored to your needs

Strong Managment & Security

User-Friendly Interface

Our easy-to-use platform makes finding and managing leads simple

Thousand of features and Custom option

Expert Support

Our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way

Amazing Feature

The only analytics tool you'll ever need

Geo Targetting

Every lead in this portal is backed up by the conversation between our trained sales executives and the prospective buyer

Increase in customer base base

By using our leads, you can constantly improve your customer traffic, create sales funnel, expand your brand awareness and increase your revenue by gaining new buyers

Quick & Easy Process

Copywriter, blogging, public relationship and the content translations

Strong Security

Copywriter, blogging, public relationship and the content translations

Total Happy User
User Rates
Our Team

Really we have an expert team to develop your apps!

Team Member
Brooklyn Simmons
WordPress Developer
Team Member
Brooklyn Simmons
HTML Developer
Team Member
Brooklyn Simmons
UI Designer
Team Member
Brooklyn Simmons
Support Engineer
Team Member
Brooklyn Simmons
Support Engineer
Why We Best

Why we are best for your business

Contrary to popular beliefrem is not simply random It has roots of classical hatin sometimes

As a business owner, cut costs on ineffective lead generation. With Leadbuy, pay only for quality leads, optimize your spending, and focus your sales team on real buyers.

  • Professionally qualified leads
  • Cost effective
  • Geo targeting
  • High conversion rates
  • Real-time lead delivery
Our Pricing Plan

Choose our pricing plan

Explore our flexible pricing options designed to fit your budget. Achieve success with professionally qualified leads and high conversion rates.

Standard Plan
  • For Upto 1cr Budget
  • Upto 50 Leads
  • Professionally qualified leads
  • Cost effective
  • Geo targeting
  • High conversion rates
Business Plan
  • For 1cr - 2cr Budget
  • Upto 50 Leads
  • Professionally qualified leads
  • Cost effective
  • Geo targeting
  • High conversion rates
Enterprise Plan
  • Customize plan
  • Talk to expert
  • Professionally qualified leads
  • Cost effective
  • Geo targeting
  • High conversion rates

Still having some Questions?

Find Answers to Common Questions. Everything You Need to Know About Our Lead Generation Services.

What is LeadBuy?

LeadBuy is a platform providing televerified leads tailored to your budget, location, and variant, ensuring you get high-quality and reliable leads without the hassle of clicks, likes, and views

Our leads are televerified by a dedicated team that ensures accuracy and relevance. This process includes direct communication with potential leads to confirm their interest and details.

You can get leads matched to various criteria, including budget, location, and specific variants relevant to your business needs.

To get started, sign up on our platform, specify your lead requirements, and our team will start delivering verified leads directly to you.

Download App

Download Leadbuy App now

Experience the power of LeadBuy on the go.

Our app brings televerified leads right to your fingertips, tailored to your budget, location, and variant. Stay connected, access real-time leads, and manage your prospects with ease.

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Join LeadBuy Today!

Sign up to access top-quality, televerified leads tailored to your business needs.

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Contact With Us

Contact with us for any kind of information

Get in Touch with Us Today. We're Here to Answer Your Questions and Help You Succeed.

Contact Info

Greeta TechPark No 96, VSI Industrial Estate Perungudi
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600096

+91 99620 00300